Dead Duck Productions develops hilarious, bizarre and groundbreaking comedy series and films for Dutch and international audiences. We scratch the itches that cannot or may not be scratched and we believe that coloring outside the lines is exactly what is called for in these times. Comedy to make you laugh.
Comedy creator Flip van der Kuil and producer Maarten Swart started production label Dead Duck Productions together in 2020. This label is part of Kaap Holland’s studio model. For more than ten years now, Flip van der Kuil and Kaap Holland have been working together on successful and internationally well-received films and series such as New Kids Turbo, New Kids Nitro, BROs BEFORE HOs, Ron Goossens; Low-Budget Stuntman, Random Shit and Barrie Barista en Het Einde Der Tijden. This collaboration will be continued under the Dead Duck Productions label.
Dead Duck Productions
Krom Boomssloot 22
1011 GW Amsterdam
+31 (0)20 854 59 77